Hello from Sawrey (Miss Potter village)

Far Sawrey lies in rolling farmland and wooded hillsides above Lake Windermere. It is the area where the "Miss Potter" film is based upon. This is a blog from the village shop, which is not dis-similar to the Beatrix Potter Ginger and Pickles Shop here in the heart of the village where Beatrix Potter lived and wrote her world famous stories including "The Tale of Peter Rabbit"

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Good afternoon from far Sawrey.......its only 4pm and its totally dark outside.....struggling to type as my fingers hurt, I have been putting cloves into oranges for the shop (because its very quiet today) and it has left my fingers very tender, should have done a risk assessment hey! ;-)

Think our phone number must have been put on some new data base this week, we have been inundated with callers asking to speak to the owner of the shop......If they dont know our name surely they have nothing we want to hear.......Anyway the last person who called I told them it was not a shop and that I was a little bit deaf, they soon put the phone down!!!

Reports from the bingo to raise money for the hall last night are that over £350 was raised, thats excellent news bearing in mind the weather last night!

There is a funny smell in the shop all day, spent ages trying to find it only to discover its the Camenbert cheese in the fridge which every time someone opens the fridge door the smell wafts around the shop, sell by date is has weeks left on it so I guess I am going to have to get used to the smell........PLEASE COME IN AND BUY IT :-)

Thats all for now folks

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