Hello from Sawrey (Miss Potter village)

Far Sawrey lies in rolling farmland and wooded hillsides above Lake Windermere. It is the area where the "Miss Potter" film is based upon. This is a blog from the village shop, which is not dis-similar to the Beatrix Potter Ginger and Pickles Shop here in the heart of the village where Beatrix Potter lived and wrote her world famous stories including "The Tale of Peter Rabbit"

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Greetings from far Sawrey, no film crews today but lots and lots of wet and wild weather. Tonight is the meeting in the village arranged by the trust to talk about the new Miss Potter film, its at Braithwaite hall and starts at 7.30pm
Its a quiet day here in the shop although there are people staying in the holiday cottages, I have looked online at companies who offer cottages in the village and there are some real bargains at this time of year, the waether may not be brilliant but the roads are quiet! the cottages accross the road from the shop are run by two people, one is cumbrian cottages and the other is run by a local lady who owns Hawkrigg bed and breakfast in the village, can only find a link to one of the cottages at the moment, but its really nice and very popular
Just had to go out and brave the elements, the wind had blown open the newspaper stand and the daily mirrors were all over the garden.
Pleased to report that the soup mountain has been replaced by a Bean mountain, red kidney bean, Aduki bean, Organic Mixed Bean, Cannellini Bean and chick peas. Gillian Mckeith the healthy eating food guru speaks extremely fondly of the benefits of Aduki beans, must say they taste better than they sound!
The wind is really getting up this afternoon, feel a bit like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, here is hoping the shop does not get blown away!

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