Hello from Sawrey (Miss Potter village)

Far Sawrey lies in rolling farmland and wooded hillsides above Lake Windermere. It is the area where the "Miss Potter" film is based upon. This is a blog from the village shop, which is not dis-similar to the Beatrix Potter Ginger and Pickles Shop here in the heart of the village where Beatrix Potter lived and wrote her world famous stories including "The Tale of Peter Rabbit"

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Good morning from far sawrey, its dry as I type, it was not at 6am this morning when we started, paper mache was us!

Our saturday helper Joe came to the rescue and put all of the inserts into the papers and got us all sorted out, I set off to the campsites but unfortunatley they were a bit of a wash out.

The local paper ran a lovely article featuring the shop yesterday and when I popped into ambleside this morning lots of people whom I do not know stopped me and said what a lovely article which was really nice.

The school holidays have begun!!! the dynamics of the things sold change at school holiday time, we sell lots of weigh out sweeties and toys and everything, and I mean everything, gets touched by little fingers, all good fun. Must admit its nice to see their little faces light up when they see sweeties in jars

Some holiday makers who are staying in the village are two ladies with learning difficulties with their carers. They are here for a week. I have just sat talking to them for 15minutes. It truly does bring a tear to my eye as I loved working with people with learning difficulties. I have done that kind of work for a very long time in a round about way. I spent 3 years as a teenager volunteering for mencap, school holidays and weekends were filled with lots of adventures and many many happy memories...... I have to remember that not all caring organisations are like the ones I last worked for....

Anyway I have news of Rogers Cockerill, he has had 2 postcards from it, the first was from down south and it said, away with lots of birds having a great time and the second has arrived from the Isle of Man, What can you say!!!

Roger looks forward to him coming back so he can once again be crowned Roger with the biggest c**k in Sawrey ;-)

One of our bloggers has sent us a joke, I have copied it below, its made us laugh

Adam is in the Garden of Eden and is desperately lonely.

He asks God for help.

God explains he can help by creating a "Super Woman" and says she will be beautiful, always sexy, never gets moody or headaches, she will tend to Adams every need, he will be pampered, well fed and need never work again.

Adam asks, "Will this be expensive"

God replies, "It will cost you an arm and a leg"

Adam thinks this is too dear and says, "What can you do for a rib"

The rest is history.......

In response I say to simon, despite the man been the head of the family, I say its woman controls the neck..he he he

Thats about all for now folks, Happy Saturday

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