Good afternoon from sawrey.......Near Sawrey was woken up before 8am today with the sound of a jack hammer digging up the newly re surfaced road! yes the road that was re surfaced only 2 days ago had men digging it up this morning to replace the man-hole covers or something! I stood there doing my finest hands on hips impression looking amazed! They just smiled, well they would, isnt it triple time on a sunday or something!! OUSTANDING!!!
The ambulance has just flown through the village en route to the ferry, seems to have been a few sirens throught the village this weekend.
As I type there are 6 people perched on the benches enjoying their ice creams.......very civilised way to spend a sunday afternoon after a nice walk!
Sold a sunday times with a sunday sport tucked away inside it this morning! Bless!
Sawrey over and out for now ;0)
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