you could not make it up!!!
Greetings................Bet you thought I was still swimming in a hangover!?! Unfortunatley not...its been another one of those weeks, managed to write mothers car off and fall flat on my face......ONLY ME! But I am ok, physically anyway!
The village is experiencing extraordinary weather this week! Blue skies, and very dry....amazing for the time of year....there are as many walkers out today as there was in peak summer....
My case managed to hit the local newspaper yesterday, it was only a small piece but as the council still refuse to comment on the problem its all very one sided, the right side I may add,
Today in the shop we have taken delivery of some of the new stock for this season, we have gone with a sheep theme as thats what we are surrounded by, they look great....
Another top seller at the moment are cadburys cream eggs...we are selling lots and lots of them!!! Guess they are going to be the only kind of eggs we sell soon as the news reports bird flu has landed! Worrying!
Anyway just when I thought our tumultuous week was over...the new van would not start this morning.......Could not contact mother to tell her she would have to go open up.....rung several people in the village to ask them to go wake her up but they were all asleep.........But to the rescue came my little friend Alan and his dad who went up and woek mum up, then drove around to my house and proceeded to fix the van! How amazing is that! I feel very fortunate to know such wonderful people who can help in such a crisis! Here is a big thankyou to Alan and his dad for being men that can......PHEW!!! anf they say its quiet in the country!!!
Oh yes and there I was yesterday having a quiet moment in the shop when along comes a hellicopter and lands just behind the shop and out jumps a celebrity who I have sworn will remain nameless to preserve his quiet escape to the country once a year, needless to say him and 40 of his friends are staying at the hotel for the on!
There was a quiz at the Braithwaite hall last night, it was a "town and country" quiz.........about 20 people attended I am reliably informed and a good night was had by all....
So apart from winning my huge court case, writing off mothers car, falling over and doing my finest damsel in distress impression and watching celebrities fly into the village its been a busy week here.........Ironically one of the packs of sheep that has been delivered today is a bag of "worry sheep"........seemingly you tell them all your worries, put them in their bag, put them under your pillow and when you wake up all your worries will have vanished...........
Time for bed I think........I'm off
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