Greetings bloggers, its a nice spring day here today......what a day we had yesterday, I got lost en route to the fruity market on tuesday night, the mancunian way is very hard to navigate off in the middle of the night! I ended up in salford! not a place to be in the middle of the night I can tell you! Anyway, three and a half hours after setting off I made it to the market and filled up the van with all things fresh and fruity, but then I hit rush hour traffic and spent half an hour on that blooming mancunian way again! Anyway its safe to say we are now friends as its accually extremely easy to get to the market from it if your looking where your going and not singing to rock anthems in the middle of the night! see you next week mancunian way...
I got back to the shop and our new team member was here working away, in the space of a couple of hours he transformed the veg display and the shed has had new life breathed into it and it looks fab, even the wheelie bins got the joe treatment and they are looking and smelling decidedly fresh! WELCOME on board joe! Sawrey Stores needs you!
Today we have had a visit from the representitive from the fruit and veg company where we used to buy produce from, I must add we have been here a year and we did not even know he existed, he came to see us concerned that we have stopped ordering produce from his company, I threw into the conversation the 100% markup they were making from us and the quality which on occassions leaves a lot to be desired and he said he would go away and put together some new figures. In his companies defence they do deliver daily come rain or shine. I may sound a little like the businessman Alan Sugar here but he once said on a programme that in retail its not the price you sell goods for but its the price you buy them for, so we will see what price he comes back with, I will still be going to the market weekly tho! Nothing to do with the good looking veg men who are all extremely perky in the middle of the night ;-)
A customer has just been in for some t-bags and a packet of dunking bscuits, I feel a dunking moment coming on, tatty bye for now, (only 2 biscuits was pass my lips, I promise)
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